Fluorescence Diffraction Tomography using Explicit Neural Fields

University of California, Davis,


Simultaneous imaging of fluorescence-labeled and label-free phase objects in the same sample can provide distinct and complementary information. Most multimodal fluorescence-phase imaging operates in transmission mode, capturing fluorescence images and phase images separately or sequentially, which limits their practical use for in vivo applications. Alternatively, simultaneous fluorescence-phase imaging in reflection mode, which captures diffracted fluorescence and then reconstructs phase information from fluorescence images, has been demonstrated with fluorescent beads and label-free single-layer cells. However, reconstructing the 3D refractive index (RI) of thick samples from fluorescence images over a large volume and at high resolution remains challenging.

To tackle this challenge, we develop fluorescence diffraction tomography (FDT) with explicit neural fields to reconstruct the 3D RI of thick samples from diffracted fluorescence images captured on a defocused image plane. The successful reconstruction of 3D RI using FDT relies on four key components: coarse-to-fine structure, self-calibration, a differential multi-slice rendering model, and partial coherent masks. The explicit representation integrates with coarse-to-fine structure for high-speed, high-resolution reconstruction, while the differential multi-slice rendering model enables self-calibration of system parameters, ensuring accurate forward image prediction and RI reconstruction. Partial coherent masks efficiently resolve discrepancies between the coherent light model and partial coherent light data.

FDT successfully reconstructed the RI of 3D cultured label-free 3D MuSCs tube in a 530 x 530 x 300 µm3 volume at 1024 x 1024 pixels across 24 z-layers from fluorescence images, demonstrating high fidelity 3D RI reconstruction of bulky and heterogeneous biological samples in vitro.


Matting Example

Overview of FDT using explicit neural fields.

a, The coarse-to-fine structure represents the unknown refractive index (RI) with neural fields and resolves it through three stages of increasing resolution as the number of iterations increases. b, Self-calibration is applied to localize the fluorophore positions, starting from an initial estimation by Gaussian fitting. The positions are then set as iterative parameters and optimized during the training process. c, The rendering equation is based on a differential multi-slice model, which takes two inputs: the RI from a and the fluorophore positions from b. The model calculates the light field as it is modulated by the heterogeneous RI on each slice using the Born approximation. Fresnel propagation is used to calculate light propagation between slices. d, A partially coherent light mask is generated by computing the light field on the image plane without the heterogeneous RI and then binarizing the light field to create the partially coherent mask. The masks are applied to both the predicted and measured images. The masked images are used to calculate the loss function, incorporating L1, L2, SSIM, and regularization terms.


We verify the validation of our model as well as each component in the model under the simulation 'ucdavis' data. Then, we applied the FDT to experimental data of thin (MDCK) and thick (3D muscle tube) sample to show the effectiveness of our model for variety of structure and z-section ability.


      title={Fluorescence Diffraction Tomography using Explicit Neural Fields}, 
      author={Renzhi He and Yucheng Li and Junjie Chen and Yi Xue},